Our Wednesday evening activities are 
collectively known as
Gospel Life Night

Our theme for this session will be
centered around Discipleship.

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First Wednesday

Something for everyone!

The first Wednesday of the month starts off with
dinner at 5:45pm and the 'main events' at 
6:30pm with music, testimonies, and prayer.

Torchlighter Kids grades K-6th have a time of
age-appropriate teaching, games, and music
in the lower level. 

Strive>> Teens join the opening portion of the
adult service before heading to the Hirschy
Building for their own teaching and discussion time.

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Second Wednesday

Men's Ministry Night

The men dive deeper into the monthly topic and grow
in relationships through breakout group discussions.  

Meets @ 6pm in the Hirschy Building for teens and adults.

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Third Wednesday

Women's Ministry Night

A night of study, discussion, and fellowshipping together
with a focus on the topic for the month.

Meets @ 6:30pm in the Hirschy Building for teens and adults.

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Fourth Week

Family-Friendly Small Groups

In-Home studies with interactive teaching around
the topic for the month.  
Groups meet the end of the month,
but days, times, and locations vary so you're
sure to find a group that
fits your schedule!  

VIsit the Growth Group ministry page
or events page to find
current meeting times:


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