At Gospel Life Church, we believe that children are a blessing from the Lord. We have planned our children's ministry to teach both the Gospel and the whole Scriptures in hopes that they might love Jesus Christ. Different ministries take place throughout the week and throughout the year in order to effectively accomplish this goal. All our volunteers who work with the children have been screened to ensure a safe environment. As well as ministering to the children, the different children's ministries also helps the parents grow in their relationship with the Lord as they are freed-up to learn the Word of God without distraction.

Questions?  Email the Children's Ministry Leadership here
The child registration form can be submitted in advance here.

Children & Youth Entry Form
Permissions & Contact Information

Please take the time to fill out the permissions form below for each of your children.  It includes vital information such as known allergies, emergency contact information, and sign-out permissions.

Child Information Form
All employees and volunteers who have direct contact with children have had background checks.

With the implementation of the amendments to the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law, Pennsylvania nonprofit organizations must ensure that all employees and volunteers who have responsibility and direct contact with children (defined as the care, supervision, guidance or control of children or routine interaction) are in compliance with background reporting and training requirements.  Based on this requirement and to ensure the safety of the children of this church, all  of the church leadership, employees, and volunteers working directly with children have the following clearances: PA Child Abuse History Clearance, PA Criminal Background Check, and if applicable, a FBI Background Check.