Global Missions Support Vision: GLC will concentrate global missions efforts on supporting native missionaries who focus on evangelism, discipleship, and then Bible training and church planting. These are the ones who know the languages, customs, and cultural contexts of their home lands. Although focus shall be on coming alongside God's indigenous servant, any who are raised up from our local church body shall be examined and considered. As a church body we commit to the continued care of our missionaries for we hold them as an integral part of our church community. We will pray for any other future missionaries God may raise up from within our own body, and encourage individuals to also support God’s work on their own.
Founded in 2023, by Lalo Vielmas, the vision of El Clúb is to Reach, Rescue, and Disciple children and to hopefully change a generation with the hope found in Jesus. The team has expanded to 3 families who focus on reaching "at risk" children aged 4-14 years old. They seek to provide a safe and nurturing environment where children can learn about God's love and grow in their faith.
Bill and Lillie have been working in the field of Jewish evangelism since 1975. They have served the Lord in that capacity in the US and Canada. The Lord called Bill home in August of 2024, and Lillie continues to serve part time in the office of Israel’s Hope Ministries of USA.
When Bill was the Director of Remnant Ministries in Cleveland, Ohio, he was responsible for the oversight of a staff of nineteen located in several cities of the US and two couples working in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He edited The Trumpeter, a quarterly magazine devoted to the work of the ministry, Biblical doctrine, and God’s work with the Jewish people: past, present, and future. For ten years he was the National Director of The Christian Friends of Israel of Canada, Inc., the Canadian “arm” of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc., Bellmawr, NJ.
Most recently Bill and Lillie were serving the Lord under the auspices of Israel’s Hope Ministries of USA, which they started in 2008, after incorporating the ministry in the USA. For ten years they had worked under the Canadian branch of this outreach. He is involved in outreach to the Jewish communities of Cleveland, Warren, Akron, Canton and Youngstown, Ohio. For five years, along with his Jewish work, he also pastored a small church in Rome, Ohio. After five years of ministry to the church he stepped down and worked exclusively in Jewish ministry. This involved evangelistic Bible studies, personal witnessing, special outreaches for Jewish people, speaking at conferences --both missionary and prophetic-- and pulpit supply.
Doug is the son of one of our former pastors and we have supported him and his family since 2006. Having previously served in Chile, Doug and Heather now work at the home office of the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE). Doug is the Director of Missionary Finance and Donor Services, so the Amundsons support the roughly 1,000 ABWE missionaries and their children located in over 60 countries around the globe. As former field missionaries themselves, Doug and Heather bring vital “real-world” experience to their roles as they encourage and support the missionaries and their families who serve around the world. Their two oldest children, Caleb and Hannah, are now out of college, and their youngest (twins) Esther and Eli are in high school. The Amundson's have served with ABWE for over 20 years already!
Mel met his beloved wife Sally (a member of Gospel Life Church) while they attended the Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music. They married shortly after graduating and GLC started supporting them in March 1977 after they were accepted to serve with North America Indigenous Ministries (NAIM). They started ministry with the Sto-lo People of Agassiz, British Columbia and from there they moved to Lytton, British Columbia to work among the Thompson (Ntlakyapamuk) people. It was here that God burdened their hearts to serve people. They then moved on to Vernon, British Columbia among the Okanagan people to serve as interim director of Kla-How-Ya Wilderness trails. In 2001, this camping program moved to Alberta, taking the Boeremas with it. After five years, the trails program came to an end, but God then led Mel to pastor Piikani Lighthouse Fellowship on the Piikani Reserve (a part of the Blackfoot confederation). Piikani Lighthouse is a developing local church that is active in reaching their own community making disciples of Jesus Christ and reaching out beyond.
The Lord called Sally home in November of 2022, and Mel continues to serve in Alberta, though missing her greatly. He has trained and discipled Doug I. to take over the leadership of the Piikani church, and in July 2023 they held a commissioning and ordination service to officially install Doug as the pastor. Mel now serves as an elder at the church while continuing to minister to the people.
Nancy is one of our longtime missionaries to Brazil and grew up in Brazil as part of a missionary family (our church supported her parents, Ed and Jane Lieb and also support her sister Lucy). Her work through the Brazil Gospel Fellowship Mission includes involvement in the Awana program and as a counselor to the Finance Committee. Her and Dave Eldert were married in January 2010, and served together in Brazil until he was called to heaven in 2021. Nancy remains involved with her church in the ladies' group and helping with the children's ministry. Nancy is also active in a ministry which helps Brazilians purchase computers at cost so that they are able to study online.
Doug and Laura live on the Piikani Reserve (a part of the Blackfoot confederation) as native believers. Discipled, in part, by Mel Boerema, Doug was ordained as the pastor of Piikani Lighthouse Fellowship in July of 2023. They are the only church on the reservation with a native pastor and that has been a huge step in the planting of the church. They're currently helping feed many of the homeless people on the reserve and are looking forward to having an intern from North America Indigenous Ministries for summer 2025. Piikani Lighthouse is a developing, local church that is active in reaching their own community, making disciples of Jesus Christ, and reaching out beyond their reserve. The church is a part of the Native Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (NEFC).
Although born in the United States, Lucy grew up in Brazil in a missionary family (our church supported her parents, Ed and Jane Lieb and also support her sister Nancy). After the Lord saved her, she was baptized at nine years old at First Baptist Church of Evans City during furlough. It was a few years later that God called her to the mission field during a missions conference here at the church. After college, she spent five years serving in Brazil, teaching English as a foreign language. Lucy then spent a year studying Christian Education at Moody Bible Institute with the intent of returning to Brazil as a full time missionary. In 1982, the Brazil Gospel Fellowship Mission (BGF) accepted Lucy as a missionary candidate. This allowed her to return to Brazil later that year as a full time missionary. Since 1984 our church has supported Lucy as she has been serving with SIBIMA (Maranatha Bible Institute and Seminary) in teaching education classes and serving in the library. Once a week, she gets the opportunity to work with Priscila School, and also serves at Nova Metropole Bible Church with the Christian education team.
Serving within the border town of Ciudad Juárez, they started a new ministry in the Anapra area (a 30,000-person squatter settlement on the outskirts of Ciudad Juárez) called El Clúb in 2023. In an area "owned" by the cartels, their vision is to Reach, Rescue, and Disciple children and to hopefully change a generation with the hope found in Jesus. Lalo & Lesly met at their church and were married in 2018. They are raising their children, Isaías and Victoria, to love God. GLC has supported Lalo since 2017, where he spent 14 years with YWAM prior to starting his own ministry.