2024 was our 2nd year to host the EC Easter Party and we're thrilled for year 3! We have partnered with the EC Events Committee and multiple local businesses to provide this event for our community. We had kids games, a Hop-Along Egg Walk, a presentation of the Resurrection Account, snacks, live animals, and more! We are committed to GOING with the Gospel, and this was an area where we could easily share the Gospel message with local kids and their families.
Each year we host a Vacation Bible School for our church families and our community. For 2025 we are doing a backyard club-style VBS in various neighborhoods in our area. All the groups will then be invited back to Gospel Life Church for a Family Fun Fair on July 27th
More details to come, but we hope to see you in a neighborhood club this summer!
Evans City hosts a community-wide PumpkinFest each fall. Our church hosts the kid's game tent for the weekend as a way to show that we love our neighbors! We have multple games and activites, giveaways, and snacks too - it's a great opportunity to meet people in our area, and show and share God's love with them. Some of our specific goals in participating are to help members of our church body grow by serving together and to gain additional (post-event) opportunities for sharing the Gospel.
Gospel Life Church hosts a fun and safe way to get some candy! We love our community! This is another way we can make connections with our community throughout the year. The kids aren't the only ones who have fun; our creative volunteers often go all-out decorating their cars.