When prayer needs arise you can email your request to our "Prayer Chain" and they will dispatch the request, via email, to the church body.
Our Mobile App has a prayer wall to help keep requests from within our body available at your fingertips. You can submit your request through the app so that we can pray together! You can also mark that you prayed for a request. In addition, during Gospel Life Night we will pray specifically for the requests on the app.
*Requests submitted via email will be cross-posted to the app and requests submitted to the app will be sent to the prayer email chain*
Each week, after our morning service, we have prayer partners available to pray with and encourage you through prayer. In this way we seek to "bear one another's burdens" as we "cast our cares upon the Lord". Look for the people with yellow prayer lanyards, at the back of the sanctuary (behind the sound booth), at the end of the service.
*Requests will be kept confidential*