Prayer at the Lighthouse Foundation

The Lighthouse Foundation operates the largest weekly food pantry in Butler County.  Each week they provide food for over 250 families.

We have volunteers who go and offer prayer to those who receive food from the pantry.  The prayer needs shared are plentiful and are shared each week during the Sunday morning prayer meeting.  In addition to forming relationships, our volunteers have been able to hand out Bibles to many of those who seek prayer for their needs.

Current volunteers go on Mondays (from 1-4pm) and on Thursdays (from 9am-12pm).  We are seeking additional volunteers and would like to add prayer coverage for the Tuesday food distribution from 3-6pm.  If you are interested in learning more about this ministry (whether that's praying at the Lighthouse or donating Bibles and Gospel literature), please contact Jeff Kistler here.

You can share in this ministry from home as well, pray through the requests each week at the link below:

Requests from the Lighthouse Food Pantry Video